Currently in-operational, old, second generation Hotel with 12 rooms, spacious kitchen, public bathrooms and sufficient room for sub-letting. The pool is of a newer date and was properly maintained during operations. The building substance is in rather good condition, acceptable signs of wear and tear after long years of operation.
The Property is located directly at the beach-road and right across from the jetty. Perfect location for up to 100 2 star rooms. Upon request ASTON INTERNATIONAL has shown interest to manage a 2 Star in this location. We can assist in making the necessary arrangements.
Gili T Resort is a Foreign Investment Company (PMA) with all the necessary Licenses, Taxes and all open Bills are paid up. The plot is owned by the Company under a Hak Guna Bangunan Title (HGB) and in case of sale only a transfer of shares would take place, thus avoiding pricy property sales tax.